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Step By Step: How To Check Your Website Loading Speed?

In this era of Advancement, technology has evolved to the next level but so does the patients of users. It doesn’t matter how informative your website is or how attractive looking your website is, if it is loading slow than it is no good to the user. So Loading speed...

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What happens if Internet shuts down for a day?

The Internet has become an important part of all our lives. A single day doesn’t go by when we stay away from the internet. But, have you ever wondered what will happen if the internet shuts down for a day?We all know that it is an impossible scenario but there is no denying...

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How to Make Money on Instagram?

In our previous blog about the top 10 social media influencers, we talked about how big celebrities and sports stars are making millions of dollars on social media. Today we are going to discuss how to make money on Instagram. INSTAGRAM is one of the top 5 apps on the...

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Best Gaming Laptops in 2023

“GAMING” when you hear this word, the first thing that comes to your mind is a PC with a big processor, special cooling set up and whatnot but it's not the case anymore. With the advancement in technology, it has become more convenient for gamers to make their game...

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Top 10 Successful YouTubers in 2021

YOUTUBE ⇔ entertainment. YouTube has become the standard benchmark of entertainment in this modern era of technology. In the year 2020, there are more than 26 billion videos on youtube and more than 37 million active youtube channels. So today we have brought you a...

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How to Create a Successful Social Media Profile?

In our previous blog, we had discussed the importance of social media. It is an important tool in this modern era that lets you connect with your friends, fans and businesses. We all might have googled ourselves at least once and the first thing google shows us is our social...

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What Are The Essential Skills for Content Writers?

Do you know that more than 550,000 new websites are created on daily basis and there are more than 1.7 billion websites in total on the worldwide web? It is estimated that there are more than a billion blogs on the internet, that is 1 blog for every 7 people on the...

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Top Programming Languages in 2021

“PROGRAMMER” when we hear this word, the first thing that comes to our mind is a modern world wizard. So what is required to be a programmer? And the answer is that we need to have a knowledge of programming languages. There are many programming languages and...

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Top 10 Social Media Influencers

In this era of advancement, social media platforms are like “infinity stones”. So, it won’t be wrong to say that “whoever has the most followers controls the social media”. In our previous blogs, we discussed the importance of social media and how it can...

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