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Importance of Social Media for Blogging

Last Updated by Dev 09-Jul-2020

2 2141

“Content is fire, Social media is gasoline” – Jay Baer

As we have already discussed many aspects of blogging and how to do it right. Now it’s time to understand one of the biggest things to popularize your blogs, the Social media.

Social media, the most powerful tool or weapon in the current times; It has the power to make someone famous or defame them overnight. News on social media travels faster than the speed of light. Whether we choose to agree or not but Social media has become an important part of our lives; from consuming news to knowing our heroes, from chatting to looking for good memes, and from making new friends to getting in touch with the old ones, social media is our best partner. Social media is like a basic necessity nowadays.

Over the last decade, People on social media have increased gradually which means the impact social media has also increased but the question is; how can social media help your blogging?

And to answer that: Yes, social media can help your blogging grow like anything else or even more.  With more and more people joining social media, it is bound to get bigger and bigger; and the wave is not ending anytime soon. So, one should know how to use these social media platforms for their business to grow moreover to survive in the current times. By connecting your blogging to social medial, you will not only grow your audience but also get to engage with your audience better and know what their interests are.

Importance of social media marketing:

Online networking has developed from being a digital world nerd buzz to a gigantic stage for business, business people, experts and associations that look for more noteworthy acknowledgement and recognition at an affordable price. It’s like a crime if you don’t use the influence of social media for your business benefits. There were times when it was hard to reach out to your target audience through social media but with today’s fast-paced world, people of all age groups are on social media and it is pretty easy to reach out to them through social media. Social media marketing is one of the most profitable digital marketing platforms that can be used to grow your blogging audience.

There are many social media platforms over the internet in the current times and every one of them provides a distinct feature and different type of audience but you should know which audience and social media for a blog are right for you.  The majorly used social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Each one of them provides a distinct feature and to target your audience you should first understand the features it provides.


It is the most used platform in the time being; with over 2.8 billion active users, it allows you to share posts, like and share different types of content with just a click. It also provides advertisements at a very low cost which can be used to reach more audiences. With these awesome features, Facebook can be used as social media marketing for bloggers.


It is more informal although with the word limits it has, the information it provides is more concise and a blogger can use twitter to generate quality audience leads.


It is the hub of sharing photos and videos. All the major brands use Instagram for endorsing their brands and reaching more audiences. Although many believe that Instagram cannot be used for marketing blogs but all the fashion and lifestyle bloggers use it so why not any blogger can use it. It’s quite easy to post a story about your blog and let people know what your blog is about.


It provides a space for users to gain professional knowledge. Your blogs can be a hot topic for the professional to learn new things. LinkedIn is the biggest professional social media platform in the world. So do I need to say any more about the power of Linkedin.


Pinterest lets its users find new interests based on their favourite activities. People can browse by topic and category. So if you use it right, you will easily find the people with the same taste as you who might be interested in your blogs.

Internet-based life assumes an essential job in associating individuals and creating connections, with influencers from your segment as well as with the crowd by addressing questions and tuning in to their inputs but it can be very time consuming so to find the right social media platforms is very important. I wish the above explanation helps you to select the right platform for yourself. The key thing is to get going and start using at least a few as soon as you start your blogging.

Social media strategy for bloggers:

Social media marketing is still relatively new, so the strategies and benefits related to it might change over time but right now it is the most effective way to reach the audience. No blogger can deny the impact of social media on their blogging so the first thing is to get started. Make a page for your blogging on Facebook and start posting about your blogs on it. Make it likeable and try to reach as many people as you can, ask your friends and family for support. If that doesn’t work-out for you, go to Facebook ads and post an ad about it, the cost is very low for these ads and the best thing is Facebook allows you to choose the audience and helps you in making your advertisement. Facebook is the one-size-fits-all type of platform whatever your blogging topic might be, it is used by everyone and there are always people looking for the things you work so hard for.

The next thing is to use trending hashtags that are related to your blogging niche, it will help you to attract the audience as when someone will look for a hashtag, it will also show you in results. Quality is the key here. After this, you can try other social media platforms that you have knowledge about and that have the audience you are targeting. For example, if you are blogging about fashion and lifestyle, Instagram is your platform and if your blogs are about business, you can try LinkedIn and Pinterest. However, Twitter and Facebook are two platforms that are the necessity of any social media marketing strategy. You can ignore the rest if you feel like it.

Marketing your blog on social media is not so easy, It is time-consuming and in starting it feels like a waste of time but if you do it right then you will be amazed by the results you can get. So the significance of social media cannot be ignored.

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Jul 16, 2020

Nice .. very informative



Jul 13, 2020

Nice .. very informative

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